Vertex Reader
Vertex Reader
Vertex Reader is an addon that is meant to help save you time and lag. This addon provides a list with every object in your scene from highest to lowest amount of vertices. Instead of having to painstaking select every object in your scene then tab into edit mode just to see how many faces and vertices it is using through the analytics. With this addon you can skip all of that and just view a list providing the objects with the highest amount of vertices and faces and then though the list select the objects and safe the time of having to look for it in the scene collection. So no more need to not know what object is slowing down your viewport scene, render times, and you computer/laptop.
Documentation/How To Use (Google Doc And Video)
This well show you everything you need to know about the addon like how to use it, how it calculates different objects (meshes and curves) and how to install:
Documentation/How To Use (Reading) | How To Use (Video)
Show a list of objects, curves, and text from highest amount of vertices and faces to lowest:
Allows you to select the objects from the list:
Important Notes:
- Check the extra notes for curves and faces for details, these are important to consider
- You can not select other objects in edit mode (that feature can only be used in object mode)
- All default curves are calculated as mentioned in the Curve section, while other types of curves are calculated differently (mentioned below)
- When using tree gen sampling generator addon (included with blender) will show the amount of vertices in edit mode not in object mode (Analytics does some extra calculations specifically for that type of curve)
- When using the extra curves addon (included with blender) the addon will give weird vertices and face counts due to the curves not being normal curves
- If you make changes in edit mode it calculates those after switching back to object mode
- For text that is not converted to mesh it is put as a 1 for vertices and faces, once converted to mesh however it will show the appropriate amount of vertices and faces
- For modifiers the code calculates whatever you have the modifier show in the viewport, for example if you have subdivision modifier to 1 in viewport and 2 in render it will show you how many vertices and faces for the 1 in viewport
- Even if you hide the modifier from showing in the viewport the addon will calculate as if the modifier is not there.
- If any bugs arise send to me directly through Blender Market, If you have questions Feel free to reach out to me directly on Blender Market via the Ask A Question button on the right side of this product page
Version 1.0
- Initial version
- It allows you to view the amount of vertices of faces of mesh and curves in a list from highest to lowest
- Allows you select the objects from the list
- For version 3.0 and higher of blender
See what meshes have the most vertices and faces in a list from highest to lowest then select the mesh from the list.